MaDMAn! (MDMA = xTC) bY kITSUNE / oXG/kRL tHIS LiTTLE tOON wAS wRITTEN aT tHE fIRST oXG cONFERENCE mEMBERS pRESENT: UNiQUE, JeDi, Get_Merry aND mE! iF yOU LiKE tHIS tOON cALL .... tHE rAVE sYSTEM, +61-9-300-4605! gREETS tO aLL kRL mEMBERS, oTHER gREETS aRE: Ripmax, The Dude, ReFract, Dead Ringer, And all The rest of the dudes we can't remember! wATCH oUT fOR oXG'S dEMO aT tHE pARTY iN wA sOON -=] Kitsune 94 [=-